For the personal
aspects of retirement

For the personal
aspects of retirement
Retirees sometimes lose their way and experience a loss of purpose and meaning; they feel rudderless. A 2013 study by the London Institute of Economic Affairs reported a 40% increase in the incidence of clinical depression among medium to longer-term retirees. Coaching can help you to stay on track for a fulfilling retirement, or it can help you find your way back to purpose and meaning in retirement.
Here are some recent items about this, and related matters:
Retirement is a time of enormous, often unanticipated, change. The purpose, status, structure and socialisation opportunities you derived from work disappear. Who will you be in retirement? Live long and lose your way, or live long and curiously?
Reading, seeing and hearing about other people’s experiences of retirement is only a small part of a much more important story.
As a retirement coach I ask tailored questions to help you self-discover, and own, your retirement success story.
Here's an item on one way to success:
The Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation offers a free on-line training course on how to create your best retirement:
I recommend such coaching at any time from 45 onwards. This is a rule of thumb based on an average retirement age in Australia of 61.4 for recent retirees, during 2022-23.
An early start will give you plenty of time to prepare for the changes that retirement will bring.
After you retire you may like to review your situation at 1- to 5-year intervals.
Getting people to think about their future selves can be like getting them to think about a stranger.
Yet many people get the need to prepare financially for retirement. And the need for retirement coaching and a complementary way ahead for the non-financial aspects of retirement is just as important, if not more so.
45+ can be a good time to start thinking about, preparing for, and imagining what could be the longest part of your life. Just like financial planning, the farther out you start the greater will be your dividend and the fewer the surprises.
One to three hours of retirement coaching every 5 years will work for most people.
How ever far or near you are to retirement, whether years, months, weeks or days, or if you’re already retired, retirement coaching can help you to help yourself to better harvest or manage the rewards and quality of your retirement.
A. One or two quick general questions via email: No charge
B. More specific questions that can be answered in a paragraph: $25
C. For more complex responses, I charge according to my hourly rate of $240, for example $60 for 15 minutes of my time.
If applicable, you will receive an invoice via email once my answer has been sent.
Please include:
D: General meeting to discuss your circumstances and how retirement coaching works: $0
E: Complete the retirement questionnaire and receive the results only: $160
F: One hour meeting to discuss your circumstances and retirement matters specific to your situation: $240
G: General meeting to discuss your circumstances, how retirement coaching works, and retirement matters specific to your situation; complete the questionnaire and receive the results and a personalised report: $480
H: Preliminary meeting; complete the questionnaire and receive the results and a personalised report, followed by a one hour debrief: $720
I. Preliminary meeting, complete the questionnaire and receive the results and a personalised report, followed by a one hour debrief and, after you've had time to review and consider the results, one hour of follow-on coaching: $865.
My hourly rate is otherwise $240.
For retirement coaching of small groups please inquire.
Next Steps Retirement Coaching
PO Box 6028, Kingston ACT 2604
ABN 81 623 469 349
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